Video guides

How to delete every other row? ***

Sometimes it is necessary to remove that one line. We have prepared for this purpose a special additive which can be downloaded here:

Usuwanie wierszy.xla

You can fix it to run a combination of CTRL + SHIFT + U. How to install add-ons presented in a video tutorial Fri "How to install add-ons?"

How to install add-ons? **

To extend the standard Excel commands and functions just install add-ons. With the additions we will be able to use MS Excel without restrictions.

Usuwanie wierszy.xla

You can fix it to run a combination of CTRL + SHIFT + U

How do I remove blank lines? **

Sometimes the data imported from other systems have blank lines, which may hinder their analysis. One way to remove blank lines is to use the AutoFilter.

Get out of here excelowy file that will help you consolidate and practice material:

Usuwanie pustych wierszy.xls

Several conditions summing ***

To summarize data from more than one condition we can use a nested array function.

Get out of here excelowy file that will help you consolidate and practice material:

Kilka warunkow zsumowania.xls

Keyboard shortcuts - General *

We present the basic keyboard shortcuts that you can use in other MS Office applications.

Get out of here excelowy file that will help you consolidate and practice material:

Klawisze skrotow - ogolne.xls

Keyboard shortcuts - moving the sheet *

Knowledge is the basis of shortcut keys to quickly perform tasks in Excel. In this video are a few shortcuts with the range of movement of the worksheets and workbooks.

Get out of here excelowy file that will help you consolidate and practice material:

Klawisze skrotow - poruszanie sie.xls

Create mega formulas ***

This video shows step by step how to do several times a nested function.

Mega formula.xlsx

Adding icons *

At the beginning of the use of Excel should configure the Quick Access toolbar, which speeds up the sheet.

Sort left to right **

You probably know how to sort data in a column. See how you can do it on line.

Sortowanie od lewej do prawej.xlsx

Changing the character **

See how fast you can change the sign opposite functionality using "Paste Special".

Zmiana znaku.xls

AutoFill without changing formats *

The movie shows the use AutoFill leaving the format of the target cells.

Autowypelnianie bez zmiany formatow.xls

Drop-down list **

The movie shows how to create a drop-down list in the cell.


Quick open links **

See how fast you can open in Excel links or references to other workbooks.